Saturday, April 11, 2015

Silas Scarborough Interviews Mike Huckabee About Election 2016 (video)

Evaluation of a split-screen technique for whether it's worth pursuing in a music video with two copies of Silas seemingly playing together in real time.  I did it once before but that was by 'lip-syncing' the performances.  For this one to be worth it, the performance has to be real.  My general feeling is the technical difficulties would overwhelm the music but I may try it.

The way to make this work is to take the silent spaces in-between what each one says and play with the timing to make it run longer or shorter.  There's probably no chance of syncing it without electronic cues otherwise.  There was nothing on the screen other than a list of questions as that had nothing to do with the sequencing.

The difference for music is you can't play with the timing so it has to be 'real' real-time as opposed to the pseudo real-time in the above.

(Ed:  pseudo real-time?)

Sure.  If you look closely, you will see orange Silas gets a bit slo-mo at times.

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