Tuesday, April 28, 2015

General Plan to Save the iMac from Yosemite 10.10.3

When a computer crashes every time it goes to sleep, that may sound amusing to hippies but it's a bad scene here at the Rockhouse.

(Ed:  what do you do?)

Fix that bitch!  That's what I do!

She is not a bitch, tho.  She is a victim of skanky software as she was SO happy with OS X Mavericks and then that bad OS X Yosemite came to town.

The conclusion from various people at Apple was CleanMyMac2 is the culprit even though it has been lurking in the system for years.  It's conceivable it truly is the problem but no causal link was presented to provide a definitive proof it's the cause of the symptoms.  It's good process to get rid of it but how do I know after completely rebuilding the system that it will be fixed.

Answer:  I don't

Therefore I believe I will continue gathering information until I'm satisfied the answer is correct rather than a fishing trip.  First level tech support always runs a script to eliminate various things before a hand-off to Second level tech.

Due to the undependability of the iMac with Yosemite 10.10.3, my current fallback is to disconnect it and wait for Apple to make a move.  I can run on the laptop although it's not powerful enough to do much.  However, it can get me online for basics, etc.

No solid resolution at this time.  Given that situation, best to do nothing.  This is not a crisis but rather a nuisance.

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