Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Cat's Art MusikCircus Radio Show - Updated

Before anything else, this is hypothetical.  The mechanics of doing it are not difficult so the speculation is valid.  Whether anyone is interested is yet to be determined.

Consider a playlist with one or two representative songs from each MusikCircus performer.  Set that playlist to loop in iTunes, start your stream software and, presto, you're Internet radio.

The playlist would be jazzed up with some type of chit-chat or at least an intro to each song.  It's always a bitch to hear a song on the radio but the DJ doesn't tell you its name.

There are at least ten active performers at the MusikCircus.  Call it two songs from each one with an average of five minutes for each song.  Call it a one-minute intro for each song as you'll want to say what the previous song was in case someone came into it in the middle and you'll want to set up the next.  So call it twelve minutes per performer so the playlist would run to one hundred and twenty minutes or two hours.

Cat may disagree but I think those intro parts should be her voice.  Her voice can be recorded via Skype.  I can re-process the sound to make it less Skype-ish.  That part is not difficult, it's just a hassle ... but a one-time hassle for any given performer.  Say a new performer starts there.  Cat records a one-minute promo and that's it.  Add the songs and the intro to the playlist and it probably won't even be necessary to recycle iTunes to get them recognized.

The laptop isn't doing anything most of the time and could be used for this purpose.  I'm somewhat reluctant to run it twenty-four hours but that's not the only solution.

One immediate application for this is to use it at the MusikCircus so that's what plays when there isn't an active performer on-stage.

Even a basic audio stream server will permit a thousand listeners and that should be easily sufficient.  Since it is not a revenue-generating station, getting a high-power server doesn't make much sense.

The main thing is reviewing with performers if they have interest for this.  There are contract considerations for some performers due to how they manage their CD distribution.  They may not be permitted to release stuff publicly like that.

The stream URL would not be the same as the performer URL as that one can't be released to the open Internet as that would undermine attendance at the performance in Second Life.  Therefore, another one is needed for about $25 a month.  That would be the only cost, tho.


Confirmed with Cat she really, really wants to do it.

There's only one change from above.  She didn't much like the idea of doing a solo intro so I suggested we talk to each other and record that and she thought that could be good.  Of one thing I'm positive, Cat needs to be there.  She IS the Circus.  I know you want to hear her voice.

Chicken Man says, no, no, don't do it.

Note:  there's no way in hell Chicken Man will say that!

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