Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Is the One True God Django or Jimi

There's no answer as they are two of the greatest guitarists who ever swung an axe.  I seriously owe Voodoo Shilton a good review as the one about John Cage reviewing him was comical but that wasn't intended to be a long-runner.  I see it's No. 3 in the weekly Hit Parade so maybe I went a bit too far.

This isn't the article I will write but I tell you know if you want to find a Django man then you go looking for Voodoo.  Reinhardt plays very fast complex music and it was, I believe, Pablo Casals who listened to him and enjoyed the music so he asked after the set if Reinhardt has any charts for his music.  Reinhardt just tapped a finger to his head.

When you play anything by Django Reinhardt, the precision of your play is paramount and that's where Voodoo Shilton excels.  If he makes a mistake and, gasp, sometimes he does, it will be so fast most never hear it and, above all, he does it with confidence.  Voodoo knows better than anyone that the only mistake is to stop.

Confidence isn't arrogance but rather the feeling of yes, I can do this.  It's very hard but if I stay cool then I can do it.  Arrogance is when you expect people to like it as maybe they will, maybe they won't.

This isn't a make-up review but rather a clarification before the next one I write in case non-regular readers only saw the John Cage item.

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