Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Jams at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Yesterday Cat gave me a call for help as sometimes things get weird.

(Ed:  thanks for helping us with the blindingly obvious ... things get weird.  OK)

Yah but no-one has the answer and, see, I'll tell you the answer.  It was the day after Easter.

(Ed:  say what?)

Orthodox, matey.  Orthodox.  They do it better too as they take it three days for Easter so naturally they will be tired on the day after.

Um, right.

lefty Unplugged played a set and no-one wants to be called an 'old pro' as, in English, that means, gee, I'm surprised you're not dead already.  lefty has been playing for a long time and he knows his strengths, his limitations, his style, etc, etc.  When it comes to know thyself, lefty is exceptionally good at it.  My trouble is I don't know what it is.

Last night we listened to a song and I'm going, see, it's got a classically English twang to it.  Many call that Celtic but that's a hogwash definition as Celtic music isn't Celtic but blah de blah de blah.  So it had that twang to it and I'm sure you know what I mean.  I added you will hear a similar style from back hills musicians in America and it's because they came from the same source.

That's all very good and then he plays the next song which is lefty-style blues so now he's out in Kansas City and sliding towards San Francisco.  The first problem in putting him in a musical box is finding him as, in two paragraphs, we went from Manchester to San Francisco.  The second problem is figuring just exactly what box should it be.

Finally the answer I have it's the lefty box as there's no-one else in it and I mean that as a high compliment as it takes huge work and thought to define yourself clearly.  It's in his lyrics, his vocal, his play, his manner.  Know thyself, young musical grasshopper.  Where lefty has done an exceptional job with that is in his vocal as it has an odd beauty to it.  You won't hear a soprano who makes you cry with her impossibly beautiful voice but you will certainly hear lefty's heart, beautifully and stylishly presented.  In some ways, lefty is an acquired taste so get thee hence and acquire it!

Cat Boucher is right around eight years in Second Life now and almost all of it has been doing what she does just now in supporting music and musicians every way she possibly can.  I don't have any pics from the show but I do have this.

She does look sort of like Cat but, before flying off into some twisted fantasy, do keep in mind she's me.  I am dead serious (laughs).  I shave, maybe, once a week.  I hope you like stubble (burp).

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