Wednesday, April 1, 2015

First Church of Cannabis in Indiana Thanks the Religious Freedom Law

Governor Mike Pence has said he will change the hateful Religious Freedom Law in Indiana and now we see why as the First Church of Cannabis has successfully registered legally with the state.  (RawStory:  Whoops: Indiana’s anti-gay ‘Religious Freedom’ act opens the door for the First Church of Cannabis)

This will go down as one of the finest GOP backfires ever as trying to prosecute someone for using marijuana as part of a religious rite will now be difficult.

(Insert a brief pause so you can take a few toks and savor the glory of the idiocracy.)

The more the GOP tries to regulate behavior, the more it gets out of control and people just openly hoot at it.  Their simplistic efforts in bait-and-switch government (i.e. thinly-disguised theocracy) cause one ridiculous problem after the other and the entire Indiana legislature got itself into an uproar over someone asking for a penis on a cake.  (Seriously)

Rather than a law, you'd think it would be more effective for the storeowner to say, "Hey, asshole.  I make cakes.  If you want a dick on it then you'll have to use your own ... if you can find it."

(Insert another brief pause for a tok to reflect on just what the hell the Indiana legislature does when it isn't doing stupid shit like this)

We also look to the First Church of Cannabis expanding into Arkansas which yesterday entered the WE HATE FAGS club and there are multiple others, even states one might otherwise consider relatively intelligent (e.g. Rhode Island).  All told, there are about fifteen states, all of which will be thrown out of the U.S. after the Second Civil War.  They're just too damn embarrassing to everyone else.

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