Friday, May 29, 2015

Yosemite 10.10.3 and Full-Tilt Systems Programming by Apple

Today was connection with the Gods Beyond the Genius Bar and I told Chuck I had been an IBM systems programmers for thirty years and what I learned from that is don't be one now.  In other words, he doesn't need editorials, nostalgia, or pics of my puppy to do what he does.

And so he dug into it with an Apple utility which captures the screen but does not permit changes (i.e. Apple can't click anything).  This permitted reviewing all particulars about the situation as the first task of systems programming is to find out just what the hell is happening.

That data gathering went on for an hour or so and, despite a furiously-inadequate cellphone, it went well and demonstrated precisely how frequently the system crashes and there is simply nothing in it.

What will come is the data will be gathered and submitted to Apple Engineering for review.  Either they find something unusual in the way things look here or it generates a fix that goes out in the next OS X update (or however that sort of thing is scheduled within Apple).

This is hardly Mother Teresa but it may well turn out to have been a public service.

Something I've known throughout is the absence of diagnostic logs on this end means nothing was ever getting transmitted to Apple and there was no reason to believe their systems staff was aware of the problem.  There's no way they can be unless the information is reported some other way.

What this means in terms of time-until-fix is not so good as there may not be a fast one.  However, the difference between today and yesterday is now I believe there will be one.  This has been an exceptionally high-stress time as it has been going nowhere.  The steps I've taken were appropriate and would have fixed it were it anything a user can fix.

So, off to Engineering with it and we see what comes after that.  The system crashed immediately after Chuck gave me a utility to transmit diagnostics to Apple.  I am waiting now for confirmation on the steps to proceed before booting it.  After booting, the diagnostics will get transmitted and then over to Apple for the next move.

There will be more delay but there is progress and that's feeling pretty good right about this time.

Confirmation on the next move just arrived.  Naturally, the system crashed while I was trying to do it but I know the steps and they will be completed as the system permits.

Update:  process is complete and data has been uploaded to Apple.  Nothing for it to wait to see what comes next.

It's still not appropriate to install anything on the system as any of this could be blown away if necessary to fix it.

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