Monday, May 25, 2015

McCain is More of a Threat to the United States than ISIS or Climate Change

Of all the mindless conservative Washington politicians, McCain has a special style of mediocrity.  Thus far in his long history he has never been right about anything.  He's the one who inflicted Sarah Palin on the country but that bit of baggage was the least of his shallow posturing.

Conversely, Boehner's positions aren't something I like but they're predictable based on the general philosophy of the GOP.  It's necessary to have some conservatives of this nature (possibly) but, as we've seen, they never offer anything particularly imaginative, only opposition.

Note:  if you ever did see something imaginative offered up by conservatives in the last twenty years, what was it and please do be precise.

McCain doesn't even come up to the level of Boehner as he's so patently a company stooge.  That buffoon is more a prisoner of the state than he ever was in that POW camp.

The latest offering of unparalleled McCain mediocrity is in ridiculing Obama for considering climate change a bigger threat than ISIS.  Apparently McCain doesn't understand he represents a bigger threat to America than either one of them through is sophomoric posturing, his manipulation of any knowledge toward supporting his position, and his blindness toward any physical reality in the world.  (The Guardian:  John McCain mocks Obama for calling climate change a threat as Isis advances)

John McCain is just another over-privileged white boy who believes fervently in Manifest Destiny which is the Divine Right of White Boys to kill everything else in their paths.  This is the kind of thinking that destroyed the Indian nation and the greatest cultural heritage north America had for the world.

In all human history, there has never been such a doctrine of overtly-racist acts of genocide and Andrew Jackson was right in the thick of it, killing every Indian he could possibly find.  GOP dismisses that today but only because they never stopped doing it.

If the only way to stop the GOP from killing is to kill the GOP then it's a public obligation to the world to do it before they start killing again and America knew it was necessary once before, back when Americans still had balls.

America proved maybe better than anyone that the only way to deal with Tories is to kill them.  That worked well but they let them back in again and now Congress is infested with them.  Amazingly, they implement precisely the repression that would have stood them in grand stead with King George.

The interested student may wish to compare what substantive differences exist between the doctrine of manifest destiny and that of the Third Reich.  Both seek world domination and both work actively toward it (shrug).  Neither gives any consideration for how many people get killed in seeking their objectives.  As we've seen in the Middle East, twenty years of murder hasn't changed anything toward the so-called American Ideal of Democracy but it's killed one hell of a lot of Iraqis thus guaranteeing the hatred of America will continue for decades, and deservedly for the gross arrogance of what George Bush did and what America continues to do.

The biggest threat to America isn't ISIS or climate change but rather the GOP Tories and their blind adherence to a dogmatic approach to complex problems.  America threw them out of the country once before and it's patently obvious it needs to be done again.

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