Thursday, May 28, 2015

How You Know Russia's Interest is Only in Defense

When you start considering the great threat to the United States said to be posed by the Soviet Union, consider looking for some facts of your own.  For example, did you ever look to discover how many aircraft carriers the Russian Navy supports.  What you will find is that either Russia or China has one but that's the only one.  I know China bought a used aircraft carrier from the Russians and that may well be the only one floating.  If it's not there are very few others.

What other conclusion can you draw than the military positions of both countries are defensive and not aggressive.  That Russia has as many submarines as the US means nothing as their only capability is to destroy the planet with their nukes as they can't do anything else.  They can't bring squadrons of fighter aircraft to regional conflicts as they don't have any mechanism (i.e. aircraft carriers) for delivering them.

As the GOP swears relentlessly the Russians are coming to destroy you, maybe it would be worth your time to ask just how they hell these wild-eyed GOP warmongers think the Russians will bring it to you.

In short, the only global war the Russians can fight is with nuclear missiles so, sure, keep screwing with them as the Bear has already shown what he will do to defend Mother Russia and you would be well-advised to learn from it.  The only aggressor is America and specifically the Republican Party as they still don't know Stalin is dead or that Communism hasn't meant anything in decades.

Note:  the GOP will tell you with immense passion of the incredible things US Navy submarines have done in the last fifty years.  Maybe you ask how would they know when all nuclear submarine missions are classified ... but no-one ever does.  They speak with great authority ... about nothing whatsoever.

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