Sunday, May 31, 2015

Republicans Never Respond to What I Write

And that's because every word of it is true but agreeing with me undermines what they say publicly.  Disagreeing with me is pointless as I can open any reference to prove what I say and those who have bothered to learn the material know it.

There is no interest in One World Order or much of any conspiracy theory although some are true.  Exposing them has nothing to do with Alex Jones as he is only a paid fearmonger and will say whatever his masters tell him to say just as with Fox News.  Simple Greed prevents a One World Order as the richest of the richies is always taken down eventually ... by other richies.  In my view, a One World Order is logically impossible as their nature never changes because that's what makes them richies in the first place.

The example of how Manifest Destiny applies to Mexico and California (this blog) is a review of the circumstance from a strategic standpoint whereas conservatives will typically approach it tactically with such mindless refrains as 'Remember the Alamo' and William Randolph Hearst did the same thing with 'Remember the Maine' at another time but for exactly the same purpose of fomenting an unjustified war.

War hawks show tactical genius in the manipulation of such events as they know they can get the public all frothy with them as there is one consistent trait in the public on which they can always depend:  the public is comprised of some seriously lazy motherfuckers who couldn't be bothered to verify anything.  Wars get started, someone else's kids die, and no-one sheds anything but crocodile tears as you can see by how readily they do it again.  (Example is Chris Kyle, American Sniper, who had no idea why he was in Iraq)

There's no chance the U.S. will tolerate a strong power on either the Northern or Southern flank so the strategy in Manifest Destiny was to ensure that could never happen.  As to what America does to keep Mexico powerless today, you can review the way drugs are trafficked into the country.  So long as there is minimal border security, deliberately, the preferred path for narcotics traffickers is through that access path and thus the country providing it becomes increasingly dependent on the trade thus increasingly powerless for anything else.  Talk of increasing security on the border is disingenuous rubbish as it serves a specific purpose.

Canada has never been a major power and it would be interesting to see what would happen were Canada to invent some kind of weapon the U.S. did not have.  The sociology of that circumstance could be fascinating to watch as my prediction for it is you would then get a crew of Canuck bashers and signs would start going up about 'know the enemy' and 'Remember Montreal' after some type of false flag episode there.

False flag campaigns aren't part of any conspiracy theory but rather are a hackneyed method of making a political point.  The fact of something being hackneyed never stopped a politician from doing anything.  Neither did morality, for that matter.  Remember the Alamo.

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