Friday, May 29, 2015

Even the GOP Doesn't Want to Hear Bobby Jindal's Bleating

When you consider the next governor of Louisiana has a felony conviction for something or other, it should give some idea of what kind of dog show they run in that state.  That Bobby Jindal thinks he has anything to offer anyone must have come from drinking too much bayou water but the amusing part of it to me is Fox News won't even carry him on their (cough) debates.

Another one ruled Too Useless for Prime Time is Carly Fiorina and that one is an obvious loss as well but it's amusing to see the filtering taking place already.

In short, Fox News has abandoned the GOP's 'cheaper by the dozen' approach and will 'limit' the debates to ten people thus guaranteeing the chance of any serious content from any of them is close to absolute zero.  Most of them will likely get more time in make-up than they will in speaking and that's a blessing for all of us when most say the same thing.

America wants you to take the elections seriously but they don't give many reasons why.

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