Thursday, May 28, 2015

Clinton Plays Religion As Quickly and Transparently as the Others

CNN tells us With scripture, Hillary Clinton wins over a voter but what CNN doesn't tell us is Clinton has already been clear she's disappointed the Iraqis don't share her enthusiasm for killing Muslims and she's been a warmongering harlot with a front row seat who was integral as Secretary of State in selling fighter planes to Pakistan.   She's the Obama equivalent of Rumsfeld and is just as guilty of enabling war crimes.

In other words, what she says about religion makes no difference whatsoever as her record shows clearly it does nothing at all toward any morality in her decisions.

Just as the GOP cannot dance away from what Bush did, no matter how hard Jeb Bush tries, the Democrats cannot dance away from what they did over the last eight years.  If this is what religion brings, the world doesn't need it.

Note:  this is not what religions bring but rather what politicos bring in religion (i.e. nothing of value).

There has never been such an overt display of simplistic fundamentalist religious philosophy in world leaders unless you go with men who wear dresses and hit themselves with chains (i.e. Iran).

Even Rick Santorum has said he runs as presumably he couldn't find a tent revival anywhere.  And Huckabee, King of the Failed Preachers, is in it and showing loyal support for the child molester, Josh Duggar.  If he read that in the Bible, just where the fuck was it.  They not only insult the country with their simplicity, they disgrace the religion with their transparent abuses and manipulation of it.

I've known preachers who were actually exceptional people but the current crop of politicos is not among them.  Maybe you want to take a look at Father Bill Pruett of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma.  He was a good friend in the Army and I know he's a good and bright man.  If he speaks, I will believe him.  I may disagree with some of what he says but I will believe his Truth in what he sees.  Politicos I don't believe for a moment as they seek only to curry favor with honest men such as Father Pruett.

There has been no contact although I have followed, with admiration, his career, devotion, or whatever you call it.  I've never been quite sure what to say as hey, Faddah, can God make a rock that he himself cannot lift it.  I'm sure he would be amused and he would know the source of the line.  I've been oddly afraid to get in touch with him but that means immediately only one thing:  do it.

So, Faddah, can God, uh, lift a rock ...

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