Friday, May 22, 2015

The Rampaging Hypocrisy of the Post-Hip World

Joan Baez said she regrets the sixties, apparently not realizing the sixties regret her and death would be better than being subjected to her singing "Amazing Grace" again.  She became like Tiny Tim who seemed only to sing one song.

In Florida, a woman has been bullied by the court into permitting a circumcision to be performed on her four-year-old boy.  By what right does any court anywhere force a medical procedure when the life of the individual is not at stake.  The article refers to the 'anti-circumcision' movement rather than the pro-genital mutilation movement and this is further evidence of why it happens.  (The Guardian:  Mother agrees to son’s circumcision in exchange for release from Florida jail)

The land of the free has no problem forcing invasive medical procedures in the courtroom.  Charming.

America believes there is something qualitatively different between the state-permitted clitorectomy in Egypt and the penile surgery on children in this country.

In whatever fetid pool of skank spawned the Duggars, they have been teaching their children fundamental Christianity.  What at least one of them learned from it was child abuse and he's not even faintly repentant about it as Josh Duggar is only concerned about the damage it did to his life.  Why this scum is not in jail is unknown.  (The Guardian:  Josh Duggar and the sexual abuse allegations rocking 19 Kids and Counting)

Not only does the state do nothing as The Learning Channel (sex abuse, anyone?) continues to profit from the show.  They wanted to feature Christian morality and, what do you know ... they did.

Congress argues endlessly about changing one tiny provision of the Patriot Act as if this will make any difference whatsoever to the fundamental philosophy of surveillance of everyone all the time.  It took two hundred years and George Bush but Americans have finally been turned into a people of ... shoplifters.  What he doesn't steal something.  He looks like he might.  (CNN:  Everything you need to know about the Patriot Act debate)

Not only does America do nothing about the abuses by George Bush but rolls over again when Obama extends that and the National Defense Authorization Act and it wouldn't surprise me one whit if most Americans don't know what's in them.  It would surprise me even more if they care what's in them.

And, best of all in this everyone is equal temple of human evolution ... the biggest tragedy of all in the killings of cops or the people they kill ... the biggest tragedy of all is a blonde white female cop who got capped in Omaha.   CNN has already given her the front-page glossy treatment.  If it was a black guy who shot her, Fox News will have a field day as nothing better reflects the fair and balanced view of Americans. That must be true as it's the highest-rated news show by far.

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