Sunday, May 24, 2015

Running Linux on a Mac to Get Away From Yosemite 10.10.3

Boot Camp is the Apple software for booting into multiple operating systems.  In this case, I only want Linux as I don't want Apple even waving a flag after I boot into Linux.  In this way, I find out for sure if there's a problem with the iMac.  If Linux causes black screen crashes as well then there is some profound problem with the hardware of the iMac.  That Apple can't find it is not surprising as I've not seen any evidence they can find anything else recently.

How-to on Mac / Linux installation

Assuming it does not crash then Apple has to own the problem but there's no evidence of them doing it now so it's not realistic to expect a change.

On balance is a whole lot more wasted time and I'm fed up to the gills with it.  This would be an exceptionally bad time for a cellphone test as you seriously don't want to hear this saga.  There's a tremendous feeling of being trapped by it and the only answer for that is blow the walls down.

It may well be time to walk away but to what.  Simply dumping this is moronic spitefulness unless there's a positive alternative.  Right now that alternative is not exactly clear.  This kind of stuff wears me right down and I've never seen a system crash this hard for this long without anyone having the faintest clue what to do about it.  And the question has been posed anywhere this dog can bark.

Open-source video editors for Linux

It's really pointless, tho, as the music is all in GarageBand and that's another proprietary format so all music and video goes if I make that switch.  It's not worth it.

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