Sunday, May 24, 2015

Endlessly a Mystery

Whenever anyone says 'my computer hates me,' I offer my heartfelt condolences by saying, "That's ok, they hate everyone."

The SMC reset procedure was two hours ago and the system has been sitting there, quiet as a lamb, with no difficulties.

The iMac has slept three times (i.e. display only) and been awakened with no troubles.

Prior to the SMC reset, the iMac could boot but it would almost immediately crash.  And we see it now.  Perhaps the SMC reset fixed whatever got skanked by crashing but I have zero enthusiasm for playing Puzzle Palace just now.

I'll leave it until morning as this has been way more computer fun than I anticipated for this day.

The next move is to make it possible to see invisible files.  This is to be able to see the Library folder in the user folder (e.g. /Users/account-name/Library/).  This will permit me to review two cache folders to see if there's so much as a Kleenex left behind by those exits.  (The Library directory also exists in the system root but anything of that nature specific to a given user will be stored in the User directory equivalent.

The commands for invisibility are issued in Terminal:

Reveal invisible files:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1 ; killall Finder  
... or ...
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE ; killall Finder

Suppress invisible files:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0 ; killall Finder    
... or ...
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE ; killall Finder

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