Thursday, May 28, 2015

Formation of the United Nations of America - Viva le UNA

The United Nations organization has been vilified by conservative Americans since its inception with typical statements being there's no way America will surrender sovereignty to an external organization.  That America expects this of every other country goes right past them.

The John Birch Society had a famous bumper sticker which became a laughingstock in the sixties but which has been resurrected since then:  Get US Out of the United Nations.  Now we deal with John Birch's demonic grandkid who wants to make a United Nations of his own.

The United Nations of America is well underway as that (cough) family includes any nation with a NATO base and America seeks always to expand that as part of the ongoing doctrine of Manifest Destiny.  America does this because it has a right to do this.  Thus far, no-one has any idea what justifies that position other than having the most guns and a prolific determination to use them.

An example of it is today's statement by Joe Biden that he's annoyed with European opposition to sanctions against Russia imposed by America.  The first question is who gives a shit what he thinks and why does he think anyone should pay attention to him anyway.

Whoops ... hold it on that.  I'm the only one who read the article.  No-one paid attention to him.

One of the war cries of Manifest Destiny was 'remember the Alamo' but what they don't remember is the Alamo was not in America but rather was on Mexico's land.  Texas became part of America through exactly the process the right-wing accuses Mexico of using now.  The Texas region was a target for American immigration and when they had enough people embedded, they took it for their own.  Alamo is in America now but it wasn't at the time.  That sort of thing doesn't matter much to conservatives as they, more than anyone, know there is no law in America unless you get caught.  Just ask the banksters.

The above is something you will absolutely never hear in American History class in high school.  This country has been whitewashed like a Huck Finn masterpiece.

As to why I write this material when it only makes people hate me, I'm accountable for whether my soul burns and how you dispose of your own is in your hands.  Whether there are Pearly Gates is not, in my context, relevant as the accountability is before you die and you'll know you will burn long before the lights finally go out for good.

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