Friday, May 29, 2015

Yosemite 10.10.3 Back in Play on Poor Suffering iMac

Yah, yah, sing them bluez.

Crashing the system is effortless and one way seems to trigger by starting Safari too quickly after booting.  The SSD boots OS X so quickly that Internet connectivity is not fully-established.  Prior to the last crash, I started Safari and received You Are Not Connected to the Internet.  With a second or two, the screen was black.

However, this time I waited for a while before starting Safari and no crash.  Maybe just a coincidence but add up the coincidences and pretty soon you've got a conspiracy theory.

That's it:  my Mac troubles are caused by chem trails from aircraft.  I should have known.

Call has been placed and just like a kid on prom night, I'm waiting for the phone to ring.

Note:  I never (sob) went to prom.  That's why I turned out this way.  I never went to graduation either.  Basically, I didn't attend much in high school.  It got as much attention as it needed (i.e. not much).

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