Monday, May 25, 2015

Yosemite 10.10.3 - Round Two at the Apple Store Tonight

The crash just now was in some ways fortuitous.  I was going to move the iMac back to the primary position since it had run without fail all night.  However, I tried to activate WiFi so I could verify Safari before moving it.  As soon as WiFi activated, the system crashed again.

It goes back to the Apple Store and with the specific request:  please don't give it back until you know exactly what's wrong with it.  This is not a user problem as there is no user content on the system and no external hardware is connected to it.  Whatever is causing this, Apple owns it.  The appt is for 6:00 pm and ... once again we play our dangerous game.

(10 pt trivia question:  who said and why:  once again we play our dangerous game)

By the time this is finally resolved, Cat won't even remember my name.

Gents, don't ever tell yer woman you couldn't get in touch because your computer is busted.  Even if it's true as it is right now, that is the rock-bottom lamest excuse of all-time.

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