Sunday, May 31, 2015

"How to Keep Away ISIS and Tories ... with a backbeat" - Silas Scarborough (video)

It's got a back beat,
you can't lose it

Shut up.  Tune it.  Play it.  No stinking rehearsing.  Just do it.

You'll see no Tories and no-one from ISIS shows.  100% effective.  You also won't see anyone who gives a rip about ISIS or Tories.  Coincidence?  Probably not.

This one gets an Oscar as the light stand behind me is what landed on me yesterday.  It wasn't the whole thing but rather the support on one side so it sucked but didn't break anything.  The left side of it was all the way over to the wall in the back.  Yesterday was a non-stop glory and I'm feeling it today but you won't see it in the video and I like that.

 I haven't tested to discover if any or all still work as I don't need to see anything else that's busted just now.  That's all part of it too.  Kick out de jams.

Cat, neither you nor the music are forgotten.  Computers are only a nuisance that gets in the way.  The video will show where my real interest lies and it's not in computer hexadecimal.

Computers are only what I do while I wait.

All video shot on a Canon HF-G10 and all audio was captured via the camera's external microphone. There is very little post-processing because, frankly, I don't have the patience for it at the speed of this machine.

The video is a trial run for the full deal in building up the loop.  That's the piano part but it just becomes rhythm after it kicks up and it disappears because all you really want is the backbeat.

The extended song will be the one for "The End of the World in Fort Worth" and that song is taking on additional meaning as the extent of the chaos across the state becomes more clear.  This tune isn't in the same key as the intro music for the video as it exists now and it needs to be musically consistent to satisfy me or I'll nitpick it after.  No need for details but it will get resolved in some way that doesn't make me want to rip it out of YouTube two weeks after I upload it.


Cat said...

YAY ! I love it !

Unknown said...

Thank you!!! Ich brauche nichts ausser Musik und dir!!