Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The NSA Doesn't Have to Be Omnipotent

The NSA only has to seem like it's omnipotent as then the terror spreads itself all without them ever changing the channels on their televisions.  For all you know, there's a pack of stoners in Bluffdale who are blowing joints and laughing until they cry when they watch the news.

FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) is the oldest game on the Internet and the only bigger hustle is Three Card Monte on the streets of The City.  Pro tip:  don't play, wiseguy.  You will lose.  They love it when wiseguys come to town.  That advisory comes from someone I know is one smart mofo ... but they still snaked him.  This is The City and they know this game going back generations.  There is no chance you will win unless they want it to happen.

Back in Bluffdale ...

Joe .... Joe ... check this:  they believed it.  They fookin' believed it.  Here, take a tok on this.  Man, they come up with some funny stuff.

Yah, I heard them say the other day Netanyahu is an NSA hologram.

He's not?

People worry so much about the NSA and them sending the black helicopters but you've got to figure if they send Seal Team VI then they're going to crash at least one of them and instantly your odds get fifty percent better.

There really is a Seal Team VI?

Fark, no.  bin Laden isn't dead but is playing in a punk band in Algeria.

Who is making up all this bullshit?

Anyone can.  They will believe anything.  Remember Benghazi ... or something.

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