Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog

Report for Last 24 Hours


It's a tough read telling what people like on the blog and maybe people come because they like but also because they can hate it and think, oh man, what an asshole.  It's ok as anything that makes you think in any kind of way is worthwhile to me.

You don't like Rich Skanks and hopefully that means you agree they really are skanks and representative of a class of people that no-one even wants to know ... unless they're paid.

System status gets considerably more interest than I would have expected and maybe it's like the Greece to Scotland saga.  How this this end.  Will he get splattered by big rig truck on that tiny scooter.

The surprise is the political stuff doesn't generate much interest relative to the busted computer stuff and the sharks are hardly even getting started.  You can draw whatever conclusion you like but I don't see one so I'll keep chugging out this stuff and hopefully it remains interesting.

It's now time for a sojourn to the Apple Store.  There's not much of a saga in that as no instant resolution will come so there's not much more to say than, well, this sucks, doesn't it.

Yah, it does suck but the vibe for music is still good and I was thinking just now that anything at all I do with the instruments will have a camera running.  It won't make the best audio but it's as live as you can get.   We'll see.  That will be for later when my tears are dried and the dogs stop their pitiful wailing outside.  Oh, Silas, we feel your pain ... Hoooowwwwllllll (larfs).

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