Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Back From the Wars ... Sort of

But only temporarily.  Techsmith got back in-touch and this is what came:


If Camtasia has already been removed from the system, we can use a Terminal command to manually unload the TechSmith Audio Capture Component (TACC).

- Open Spotlight by pressing Command + Spacebar, or clicking the magnifying glass in the top-right of your screen
- Type the following then hit Enter: Terminal
- In the Terminal window that appears, enter the following command: sudo kextunload /Library/Extensions/TACC.kext
- You may be prompted for your computers login password. If you do not use one, you can leave this blank and hit Enter

This process will remove the TACC.kext file from your system. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Kind Regards,


Received the following:

Can't open CFBundle for /Library/Extensions/TACC.kext.
Can't create /Library/Extensions/TACC.kext.

In: /System/Library/Extensions


.techsmith.TACC (1.0.2 - SDK 10.8)

Reported by EtreCheck

Waited and decided to go ahead and did it a different way.  Screw patience.  I need this thing fixed:

Changed command as follows: sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/TACC.kext

EtreCheck still reports the name but says it's unloaded. Will boot and review.

(Insert a Rolling Stones song.  This is probably the time for it.)

Restarted and now it's marked 'loaded' again.  How do I make this thing dead??  My machine crashed twenty times yesterday and probably half a dozen today.  I don't know if this is the culprit and actually I doubt it as there are too many others having problems with 10.10.3. Nevertheless I don't use this software and I need to remove it.  Thanks.

Apple responded as well and suggested opening another thread in the support discussion.  That has been done and wait.

There is one saving grace as I'm getting fairly good with FlightCtrl HD to get all my aircraft landed at the right airports without hitting any helicopters.  The only trouble with that is I hate computer games.  But they serve a purpose when the other choice is to put a bullet through the computer.

(No, I do not have a bullet.  That is the only circumstance of the present moment I do not consider a problem.  Except for the Galaxy Guitar.  I must have had some psychic foresight as I put new strings on her before this started and it's always the best with fresh strings.)

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