Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Crashing Problem Returns - Next Move is the Apple Store - Updated

The system crashed again a few minutes ago with the same symptoms as each other crash.  Apple said the specific resolution is to take it to the Apple Store.  All the steps have to be covered or this will go on forever.

As a rough estimate, I'd guess a week before the machine can return.  It will cost $100 for the diagnostic in any case but whether it returns anything is unknown and what the cost of replacement would be if it does is also unknown.  Depending on that answer is when I can bring it back.  It's a big bite but there's no choice other than do it by the numbers.

As to how I feel, who gives a rip how I feel.  The computer is busted and I expect that will be quite enough to tell you how I feel.  My favorite color is purple, tho.

Update:  first available appt at the Fort Worth Apple Store is at 1:15 pm tomorrow.  I will be there.  Even if I can't get it back out right away, at least I will know what is happening ... or not (larfs).

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