Saturday, August 8, 2015

Unclear Why I Am Still Here

Assessment of my value to the planet comes out to zero.  You can't replace my weird but there's no indication it's of any value to anyone.  People want to be amused but that can be easily-replaced.

That requires the additional question of the value of the planet to me.  Here it's so low there's no point in even trying to measure it.

If I go outside and move much less than a klick in any direction, I will get some arrogant religious crap in my face:  Children Need to Pray.  They've got a million of these inane expressions and they put them all over the fucking place.  Presumably they think atheists have trouble with reading but their ability with reading is the reason they're atheists.

These are the yokels who put up the billboards:

That's not Texas but it doesn't make any difference.  This shit is all over the place and it's not enough to be a moron, you have to ensure everyone knows it:  NO YOU'RE RIGHTS.

If only there were a right to restrict the access of morons from anyone who was ever educated beyond stacking colored blocks on top of one another.

(Ed:  the problem with America is a moron explosion?)

Fifty megaton

Escape looks right back at me and asks how can you do it.  If a girl walks away and doesn't look back, she's not coming back.  The Galaxy Guitar has never looked away and neither do I.

I'm almost sixty-five and I believe I've had a craw full of Christian arrogance in my life and I don't want anymore.  Whether that's through death or exit is valid but one has some preference over the other although I confess not a whole hell of a lot.

(Ed:  you aren't seriously thinking it's better to die than sell the Galaxy Guitar?)

Yep.  It comes more and more there is no other answer.

Note:  there are lots of believers who never get in your face with it, don't expect you to change your ways, aren't endlessly judging you, etc, etc.  We call these ones people.  The ones who put up the billboards are the arrogant Christians.  Those we really loathe.  I've toyed with them many times to discover what they know of the Bible  and it turns out not much.  Loathe isn't even half enough of a word to describe these miscreants.

(Ed:  why toy with them?)

The purpose is to discover the basis of the phenomenon in which some incredibly stupid and uneducated people have come to wield a position of power.  They have done incredible damage to the country but none of them manifest more intelligence than you would expect from a brick.  Obviously someone uses them but what's the mechanism.  The easy answer is the GOP as they spew the lines all the time and then Gingrich ends up cheating on his wife while she dies of cancer.  (GOP religion is a novel phenomenon)

The differentiation in politicians is through which ones use religion as a message and which ones use it as a weapon.  The GOP does the latter incessantly but it's not all of them so it's the same question:  what's the mechanism.

(Ed:  what takes this back to the top?)

There's nothing at the top.

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