Saturday, August 8, 2015

Books Which Just May Change Your Life

Best one is at the bottom.  I ga-ron-tee you will not even believe.

We only validated one but it is authentic and available on Amazon.  We presume the others are as well but, well, who cares.

As Paul Delph said, "I can't trust a god who can't dance."

Yes, it's true.  Jesus can cure excessive farting and this is just the book to learn about it.

The authors of this piece of crap, who we noticed didn't even have the stones to put their names on the cover, know your biggest concern about Heaven:  when can I start fucking.  Well, all the good news you need is right here in these pages or at least that's what they say is in them.

Since some of you may already be dead and you need this information to get to some serious sex right now, here's Amazon:  The Beginner's Guide to Sex in the Afterlife Paperback – February 8, 2006

(Ed:  it's seriously real??)

We had to know.  Yep, it's real.

We discovered the author, tho:  David Staume.  Here's another bit of (cough) wisdom.

The odds of an afterlife: Reasonable
The chance of meeting God there:  Nil

Here's the beauty part:  that specific piece of crap goes for almost $20 a copy in paperback.  He calls it "The Atheist Afterlife" but it would have been more honest to call it "Complete Bullshit."

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