Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Going Off the High Side

There are two ways to exit a motorcycle in motion.  You can go off on the high side (really hurts) or go off on the low side (not so bad).

Going off over the handlebars is a preferred method for going off the high side.  Most stories of this type of exit are posthumous.  Mine was not which proves only stupidity sometimes prevails.

Going off the slow side means you went too deep into the corner, now you're screwed, and the bike slides out from underneath you.  This is when the term 'throw it away' comes into play with your perfectly-tuned, beautifully-painted, 1200cc Ninja Motorcycle of the Damned.  Some say they will ride the bike when it goes down like that but you'll want to 'throw it away' and let it tumble as it will while you tumble as you will and you see which parts are broken when you stop spinning.

Note:  this is your RRS (Road Rash Scenario).  You won't like it.

This comes from the thought of a commercial about an old man in a rocking chair and he's thinking, 'damn, I wish I had got that Harley Davidson.'

It was love with that Harley Davidson when we were going around a corner and getting a bit of lean as I was rolling faster than I should but there was no apparent reason why not.  And that's when a car shot out of a hidden driveway.  He didn't see me, he didn't even look.

I locked the brakes on the front and the back wheels while still leaning into the corner and she went into the most beautiful perfectly-controlled slide I ever rode out on wheels.  That was love for life at the moment and, no, I didn't hit the car.  Sometimes I would kick in a door for that and then ride off.  Slow down seriously before you do it as, even with a motorcycle boot, you will wreck your foot if you hit the door too fast.

When a hand width is about $1000 US in damage, your boot should easily do $4000-$5000 in damage and, depending on the boot, you may break the paint and then the entire vehicle needs to be repainted.

He should have looked where he was going, I guess.

It probably gets riders shot for doing this but sometimes they would just piss me right off.  You hit the point of fuck it, I have had it with morons trying to kill me today.

So, uh, sorry about the car, um, dude.

See ya.

(Ed:  tell them how that love turned out, cowboy)

Uh, a car drove into the bike ... while I was, um, on it.

Emphasis:  there is no self-pity in describing situations which were physically painful as the mind cannot remember pain.  I remember this situation really sucked and it hurt but I can't remember what it felt like any more than you can remember what it felt like to get your last filling in a tooth.  If the mind could remember pain, you would end up mad and dribbling on yourself.

Now my only interest is was it funny.

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