Friday, August 21, 2015

Mystery Lady Has an LZ in Texas

There was no request and it came out of the vapors when Yevette said, "Tell the Mystery Lady if she wants to come down here then we can make a commune of it."

Now that struck me as a peach of an idea as she knows this is no sex romp and there is no sex romp now.  This could be "Secondhand Lions" ... but now ... "and Lionesses" and I know you've seen the movie.

It wouldn't be the first time I've made up stories about what I did in the Foreign Legion.

A bit of Texas background as you can expect it to be hot ... but not inside.  Most of the time I am cold.  It's a blast furnace outside but it's not like a Midwest Aztec Blast Furnace which stops your breathing and rips out your heart.  Here it's more like a be-careful-with-the-ice-cream kind of heat as opposed to Midwest life-opposing heat.  Frequently the temperature goes up to 106F and higher but it doesn't matter much.

As to Texans with guns, much of what I write is melodrama but I still don't let any of them get any closer to me than absolutely necessary.  For example, if there will be fast food, I will go to the drive-thru and I will never go inside.  They are Texans, they have guns, I have no reason to trust anyone with a gun.

(ML:  what about movies?)

No chance.  Too many potential shooters and too much cost.  It'll be twenty to forty bucks to step out.  Fuck that.  I'll steal it from the Internet and watch it here.  The audio is better because it's a smaller space with a higher signal to space ratio (i.e. they may be small but they can blow out the windows).

(ML:  what about Jungle Jim?)

Jungle Jim's is unique, I'm afraid.  That is huge coolness ... except it's not here.  Jungle Jim's is one of the things you miss most on bailing out of Cincinnati.

You already know Yevette is great.  She's kind of crazy but she's harmless and I notice I might have a touch of that as well.  In fact, practically everyone I like has a touch of that.  For any one of us, no-one really has to be crazy but we do expect people to appreciate crazy ... or how can they possibly understand (larfs).

After a while it's like Michael Douglas at the end of "Falling Down" when he says, "I'm the bad guy?"

That's when they realize none of us are crazy but they've been looned for years.

In many ways, it's better to be poor because then you don't have to listen to their crazy shit!  They don't even know they're lying half the time.  It's funny when they realize it but who has time to sit around and wait.

Don't worry about ranting and raving as Silas is excellent at creating characters but the real one hardly ever raises his voice and makes a point of being charming when he wanders about Wal-Mart.  Even this is more reality than I want to reveal but it's important to know this place may seem like a minefield but it isn't even close to that.

In case I didn't make it clear, it would be a peach of an idea!

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