Friday, August 28, 2015

The Left Would Back a Heroin War

The basis for the war is heroin represents a clear and present danger to Americans of today and children of the future.

The danger is well-known and heavy efforts at border control are made to interdict the processed heroin but they're not estimated to be particularly successful and heroin consumption within the country remains high.

Suggestions have been made to wall the border and enact extremely intense measures of border control.  The solution is extremely expensive and not likely to be particularly effective for heroin because the truck traffic will be undiminished by it and thus, without a change to inspection rates, there won't be any change to the flow of heroin.

It was proposed and agreed with an esteemed colleague of the right that a bilateral military force comprised of the U.S. Army and additional services as needed in concert with the Federales of Mexico should execute a systematic military campaign to locate the fields and destroy them.

On the left we do not agree with pre-emptive, unilateral strikes anywhere for any reason.  However, in concert with the Mexican military, the cause is righteous because it defends the children.  Self-defense is no violation of pacifism and the Left will therefore endorse it.

For the perfect interpretation of Gandhi, we would not support military activity and my interpretation is he would ask people to stop the need for heroin themselves and thus obviate the need for importing it and thus end the attack.  We love Gandhi as a saint but we do not believe that is possible due to the perfect strength required in so many people to do it.  Gandhi maybe could have done it but most of us aren't so strong so the only other option is defense.

We believe, in this rare case, the cause is righteous.

Note:  this is not hypocrisy.  No stoner supports soul-killing drugs and anything which addicts you is considered soul-killing.

(Ed:  isn't reefer addictive?)

No.  To judge the addictiveness of a drug, look at what users will do when they run out of it.  For reefer, people don't even get as bugged as someone who runs out of cigarettes.  For narcotics, someone may kill you for the money.  If you want to experience addictiveness for yourself, stop your daily coffee drinking right now and continue that for a week.  You will not want to do that if you drink a lot of it as you are guaranteed to go into withdrawal.  It's not like junkies in the movies but you won't like it.


Anonymous said...

No need for a war We have plenty of weapons that can target the fields.
Give notice of day and time of the attack to prevent the field workers from being killed
There will be a fair amount of retaliation in our malls until they run out of funds but that will probably be less than we lose to ODs now

Anonymous said...

nevermind America would never trade junkies for real people no matter the exchange rate

Unknown said...

Well, we need to help them understand it serves their own selfishness to do it. When the question is pay me now or pay me later, the answer is usually pay me later.

I'm not so naive as to think junkies will accept what happens with some type of Shirley Temple reaction like oh well, if it's for the good of the tribe then ...

There has to be some type of parachute as there is a million or more of them and they will go into withdrawal within maybe a month of each other. I doubt retaliation but they'll be sick. Maybe the PSA goes like this: here is what we anticipate will happen. You can support the initiative and protect yourself by staying close to your home tribe and wait for the all clear from authorities. (Yes, it's a war)