Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Excitement of Death

This one will almost certainly wind up as one for Sasquatch as many will feel their skin crawling on the mention of the title.

There is zero need for that but it happens nevertheless.

Cadillac Man said last night we need religion to explain our source and to explain where we go.  I rejected that as the final definition because my perception of religion is also what it adds to now.  If you accept the premise God ignited the Universe then that defines some kind of supreme power beyond our understanding.  From my perspective, this does define some type of amorphous entity but it also opens the limits of space.  Astronomers often use the expression 'at the edge of the observable Universe' but that dividing line doesn't mean much if the metaphysical boundaries are limitless.

There will be no attempt at refutation of general theories of an expanding / contracting Universe as there's no reason to dispute them.  However, presuming there is nothing beyond our expanding / contracting Universe is rather much based on how little we even know of this one.

Therefore spirituality is for me very much toward identifying and exploring now as to opposed to origins and targets.  On this basis, there is no limit to the depths of space within the dimensions in which we actively perceive it.  Or, with a lot less words, it makes space a whole lot deeper.

That a target exists adds another dimension to now as right now would be flatter if not for the knowledge it could evaporate in a millisecond and, varying with your type of faith, we may not even know what happened.  Poof.

This is where people get creepy as who wants to think about dying ... but ... you do it anyway.  The logic here is why let something nibble around the back of your head bugging the bejeebers out of you, just roll it out and kick the shit out of it.

It happens to anyone and this has nothing to do with age.  We titillate ourselves with it as we like doing things with different levels of danger depending on just how close you want to tell yourself you got to death but approaching death in any other context is morbid and scary.

Well ... that's unusual, isn't it.

Death is exciting and it's in your face every time you're astride a big bike but know it well when you're on a little one also:  you can die at any moment and you love it because your skill keeps you alive and it will.

So, nope.  I'm not buying this morbid evaluation.  I don't see it as morbidity but vitality.  Acceptance of death leaves you free to live the fuck out of life at any age.  And I will in whatever way I possibly can.

Unsure if this really is an old Russian saying but I like it regardless, "To stop me they have to kill me"

Da, comrade.

Since you'll get morbid anyway, where, oh, where is Laughing Gecko.  He doesn't come by all the time but we haven't seen him in some while.  We do advise that croaking is a poor excuse for failing to read the blog.  Should that unfortunate event occur, someone could read it to you.

And a sudden mad bounce ... what if Miss Mona the Ghost calls up dead people.  We're thinking how about calling up Houdini and asking him how it went with calling up dead people.

(Ed:  you should be stopped)

Yah, that's what makes it so irritating, isn't it.

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