Monday, August 31, 2015

The Nightmare of the Blue People

The favorite nightmare here at the Rockhouse is when I am surrounded by blue creatures with huge teeth and they're like huge furry puffballs ... which bite.  All of these huge furry blue puffballs with huge teeth wants to eat me so they can steal my Bic lighter.  Just before the first one bites me, I wake up.

The killer puffballs are clearly symbolic of the middle class serfs for an oppressive upper class which dominates through money rather than strength of argument and which will ultimately consume everything opposed to it, followed by everything else.  But I don't even use a Bic lighter except for lighting the pipe.

(Ed:  aren't you the James fookin' Dean)

Get over it.  ZIPPO is cheaper to use and has no plastic to end up floating in the middle of the Pacific.

There's little which is less American than corporations as they send the jobs overseas, they send the electronics manufacturing, car manufacturing, etc, etc overseas, and then they send the trouble calls overseas as well.  ZIPPO is made in America, as are Harleys, as are Godin guitars (part in Canada, part in America.  Godin lives in Vermont, I believe).

With the musical / computer kit, there's no way to buy American as no-one makes the stuff anymore.  The blue people ate all the jobs and said don't worry, goodness will trickle down ... but the only thing trickling was more blue people with big teeth ... and they all want a Bic lighter I don't even have.

And then I wake up.  Click.

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