Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stop Making Dents - Balking Reds (video)

Pissing people off just for the sake of pissing them off goes nowhere unless they're dumb asses and then you can get some jerkoff giggle out of beating on them if you like.  The point is a precise focus as this is music and I do know the melody.  Cat doesn't believe some of it makes sense but all of it is linked to the primary theme.  I'm feeling a responsibility not to go atonal with it and I have no idea why I should feel any responsibility at all.

Note:  Schoenberg played / composed atonal music (i.e. all twelve tones) and it's so twisted many people walk away from it.

There's not so much a need to write as to clarify thoughts and that's the reason for doing it.  (Having the time to do it is a prime luxury)  In writing the blog, my own focus becomes more clear.  You may disagree with it but I've reasoned my way to wherever I am nevertheless.  Sometimes that involves mutated Tomato Hornworms but that's how it goes with jazz-z-z-z, man-n-n-n-n-n.

(Ed:  what theme?)


Meanwhile, I need a bad-ass singer for this song.  So music is more directions if you like.  Things are more or less on-course but chugging.  The vocal takes some discipline because I really don't care about singing.  I don't precisely wake up in the morning hoping there will be a chance to sing today.  The vibe is right sometimes so go for it.

(Ed:  isn't this kind of atonal now?)

Yep.  There's a continuous loop going think, you can solve this, think.  Everything else is a different spark flying off it.  Whoa ... got some mutated Tomato Hornworms ... whoa ... got Peewee Herman having surgery to change himself into a Beagle ... whoa ... how did two get to be nine.

It's like the first time they take you out to the range to screw around with an M-60 machine gun.  You don't but they do and they put tracer bullets in it so you can watch them blaze into the distance.  It's a lot of fun to play with them, it's the killing people with them that sucks.

So these things go bang, bang, bang and it's the same thing with all these tracers blazing all over the place bouncing off the back off the skull.  Holy shit, what the hell was that.

And, if you liked that, you'll really love tossing grenades.  You think you know the bang from the movies.  You're dreamin'.

Note:  there was NO combat.  This is all from Basic Training.  Fort Leonard Wood, MO.  You could get less isolated and warmer by going to Korea.  Going to Missouri in November is an explicitly bad idea.

All the time I watch and think who the fuck are these people.  Who the fuck am I.  Who the fuck is anyone.  Boom, boom, boom.  The whole platoon would play with grenades at once in a drill so grenades were blowing off all up and down the range.

We kill gooks they said.

No, I don't.  I don't know what that is either.

I'm more connected to the world now than at any time since that happened and I hardly see anyone.  Every so often I would look up and see, yep, they're still doing it.  For some reason now there is a strong drive to protest as mightily as possible.  No, don't do it again.

This isn't traumatic shock, it's a fucking horror movie.

There was a cartoon once with a Vietnamese boy talking to an old man.  The kid asks, "What is peace like?"

The old man answer, "How should I know?"

When so many are so much smarter than I, why can't they figure it out.  It seems an inevitable consequence of increasing intelligence to seek the best possible solution for anything so why does that not happen.  People are getting killed all over the place and that's the worst possible solution as his brother is going to come and kill you back.  There's a patent absurdity and this can't be so difficult to see.

Kennedy was high brain-weight but he gets capped so we don't really see what he can do.  Bill Clinton goes the same but he was kind of a slut.  Carter also has an exceptional IQ and he led a pure Presidency if not necessarily the most-effective one.

Conversely, Bush the second is a dumb ass as dad made the bottom of the list but Junior didn't even make the cut.  However, he was highly effective.  They were bad decisions and he accomplished them via fiendish means but he did accomplish them.

Note:  there's a survey of Presidents for IQ but I won't link to it because it doesn't include Obama.  So they have had almost eight years.  They could not figure it out in that time.  Bullshit.

The chronosynclastic indundibulum lets them look forward in time so why do they not do it.  Or perhaps the ones who did look haven't come back and the others haven't read Vonnegut.

Logic.  I keep looking for logic.  It's not there.

I also didn't realize I have been imitating Vonnegut in physical style in some ways.  Must read "Sirens of Titan" again.

So then I think why are you writing instead of playing.

Time passes.

Tried the distortion B3 and that's the right voice.  Tried the guitar also and she easily eats up the vocal.  Simply making the vocal louder won't fix it so must record that one again.  There's no due date as I can't release it right now anyway.

Stop making sense?  What the fuck ever did ... other than Vonnegut ... who didn't make sense.  Burn down the house and we will all go to Tralfamadore.

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