Saturday, August 29, 2015

"Swing Heil" Becomes Another Obsession

The concept of the Swing Kids and respect for what they did is a huge reason for a song, it's a reason for a legend.  These kids, actual teenagers, stood up to the NAZIs with nothing more than swing music and dance.  They are a symbol of Germany's resistance and the lesson they did resist but they couldn't stop it once it started getting out of control.  It's a major lesson to us and worthy of legend because so many were beaten or died for it.

The song is the closest to swing of anything I've ever tried and I wanted that rhythm just to see what would happen.  My mistake was failing to record that first shot.  That mistake is done so move on.  The thing works with simple chords on the looper.  Everything on an eight-count:  Am-C ⎮Am-D-D#-D ⎮Am - C ⎮D-D-D#-E - simple chords but it doesn't matter as Django wasn't playing them anyway and they're probably from a hundred generic swing tunes already.

There was about five percent Django coolness in what was happening yesterday but it was sloppy like a drunk trying to deliver soup to a table.  Or maybe not that bad as I didn't do the other thing the drunk did to your table.

This isn't gratuitous self-deprecating crap as Django is an acknowledged master.  He is coolness not just for the moment but over decades, a lot of them.

Django was cool with a one-word name long before it was cool to have a one-word first name.  That's not much of a trail but he blazed all the others so there's one more.

If you watch him play, you'll see his left hand is deft but his fingers are quite long and his two usable fingers may not seem so dramatic to you.  Where he is afire is in his right hand.  It's ridiculous to try to emulate Django's technique as what comes from using only two of your fingers unless you were forced as he was.  The main thing I take from it is the right hand isn't always noticed so much but his has firebees in it.  (I don't know what they are either but I am sure they are fast)

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