Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I Love America

I Love America is something you hear a lot in the country.  There are flags too.  Big ones, little ones, flags which stick on cars, flags which fly on cars ... lotta flags.

My first question is what do you love about it and many times people will say they are free here.  I ask free from what and they will sometimes reply, well, you would be put in jail in Russia for what you write on your blog.

Duly noted and maybe I would or not, I don't know, but there are lots of places I can write an idiot blog so this doesn't define freedom to me too much.  For now we will leave it that people really don't seem too sure what freedom means.

One technique in this discussion is to repeatedly throw up examples and then knock them down.  For example, someone might say they love the potential to grow here but my response is you're talking about economics and I'm talking about love.   Continuing in that vein goes nowhere so ...

I love what America can be.  Frankly, it is not that thing now.

I love that, setting aside all history which precipitated the Second World War, America decided this has to stop NOW.  The full power of America's production was devoted to making everything necessary to bring this to an end and there was tremendous homeland sacrifice to do it.  All those thousands and thousand of tanks and aircraft and the million other things were built in only a few years.

I love what America can do when she sets her mind to a purpose and that purpose is righteous.  No-one has a right to wave a flag any higher at that time as she earns her place.

At the Rockhouse we are aware America's fortunes rose greatly after the war but that's irrelevant in this context.  That's about economics and this is about love.  America set out do this thing and she got it done.  She had a lot of help but she did it.

When America decides it will solve the problems facing the world, she already knows how to do it.  She only needs to know you are ready to start.

(Ed:  she already knows?)

Team up.  That's what she did the last time.  Only this time the friends don't start fighting each other after the enemy is destroyed because there is no enemy to destroy.  We just need some housecleaning, feed some kids, get on with making the world what it is supposed to be.

Lennon said it's easy and think it through.

Say there, Vladimir.  I'm quite sure I don't want to glow radioactive and I'm highly sure you don't.  Meanwhile we're sucking a lot of methane and who knows what from dirty air and I tell you what, bro.  I really don't want to die from that too much either.  What say we make the deals and get it done.

America can easily do this.  She only needs some better businessmen to represent her.

So, what is freedom.  It's a fair deal, mate.  That's all.  It's just a fair deal.

I love what America can be and I'm sure you have seen it all along.  That's what we need to be doing and I don't need to say any more as you know it already.

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