Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dictionaries for Journos at The Guardian ... Please

Today we have a description of the 'blasé aceptance of getting shot in America' and then the predictable blather followed by how she hides behind the car when she pumps fuel into vehicle ... but we don't believe her.  It just sounded cool to her when she wrote it but no American would risk breaking conformity to that extent.  I would look like a fool and that's much worse than getting shot.  (The Guardian:  The blasé acceptance that you might get shot is a fact of American life - Megan Carpentier)

Blasé means lack of interest but, here at the Rockhouse, we don't call hiding behind a car in fear an indication of lack of interest.  It sounds much more like a journo trying to create a story out of nothing without having sufficient vocabulary to define it.

There is no interest in hearing about the shooting as there are gallons of blood on the news networks and the onl difference between now and the last time they did it is whether the blood is Type A, B, AB, or O.

People relentlessly attack the wrong problems and that's yet another thing in need of a word.  The problem for the day originally was coming up with a word for the state of being 'aggressively trivial' (e.g. Jeb Bush talking about anything).  Unfortunately, in looking up the Latin roots, there was only aggress and trivialis, hardly breathtaking leaps ... and Vonnegut weeps.  How can you be such an unimaginative dolt.

Answer:  practice, practice, practice

Maestro, rim shot, please.

Whoa, we need one for 'fashionable weeping' too.  You get gallons of that after a particularly spectacular shooting as well.

If I had viewed the video for the shooting yesterday, I would have written of it.  In various ways principles get more rigid over time as doing that is just not right.

Miss Mona, no, no, that's not right.

Um, by the way, sunshine, while you're lamenting those two, how come you, well, completely fucking ignore all the other people who got shot yesterday.  Where they collateral damage?  too trivial to matter?  you just didn't give a fuck?  what was it?

These journos are just running a sideshow and they can't even get the right words on the tent.

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