Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Freaks of Nature HD" - Pol Arida (video) #Music #SecondLife

Pol Arida settles it that we are all freaks of nature ... and we are freaks of nature together or we are nothing at all.  The music and lyrics are precise and the visuals are spectacular, always with Pol's sense of the visually dramatic.

This works well with the live theme just now of going full online preacher and the current thinking is there is too much potential risk to someone calling if I make a mistake.  There are two reasons for calling me:  the person just feels lonely or this person is in deep shit over something.  It's conceivable the wrong response from me results in a suicide.

The above can end the plan as it's all fun and games ... until somebody dies.

The converse is whom else does this person have to call.  Maybe he can't call the Suicide Hotline because he can't even face the fact he's even thinking about suicide.  Maybe he has no-one he can call anywhere and his only company is that gun he brought for protection.

This is not pseudo-drama.  My very good friend did it.  I will never know why he did not call me.

In yet another converse, someone can call up and punk me.  'That was SO insensitive.  I don't think ... no.  No more.  (bang) (falling sound)'

There's no living with that.  Who could.  That's one of the oldest and most vicious Internet stunts known but people still do it.

Thinking of my friend flips it back around.  Maybe I have an obligation to do this on his behalf because he cannot.

We don't know about anyone else but, here at the Rockhouse, we know we're Freaks of Nature.

Thanks, Pol.  Your timing was impeccably accurate.

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