Friday, August 14, 2015

The Donald Trump Killer Klown Pot Pipe w/pic

Having trouble making Donald Trump make sense?

Of course, you are.  He's such a self-absorbed lunatic he hasn't seen the ground in years.

However ...

a few magic toks on the Donald Trump Killer Klown Pot Pipe and it all makes sense as then you realize he's just one more from the planet Plonkbat in which koala bears are carnivorous and humans are prey species.

Perhaps you don't believe this but take a koala bear anywhere near Donald Trump and he'll wet his pants.  They do that a lot of Plonkbat, at least the ones who wear pants.

No, in fact I'm not stoned.  Look at the screen.  It's unused.  Reefer doesn't make the world any more surreal for me than it already was.  What I like about it is the ability to fly through walls.

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