Saturday, August 1, 2015

Palaver with Cadillac Man About the Revolution

The first question after the Revolution is what to do with one hundred and fifty million Republicans.  Their fat consumption is exceptionally high so it wouldn't be healthy to eat them but they might be suitable as bait for sharks.  A good way to save the seals is to give the sharks Republicans instead.

(Ed:  I did not realize seals are endangered)

They are when a great white shark spots them.

As idyllic as it may seem to review a panorama of Republicans being eaten by sharks, we revolutionaries had to move to more strategic matters as still there was not much focus on Lenin.  He wanted everything that terrifies conservatives, create a socialist world.  However, the idealism of that Marxist / Leninist view gets rolled with Stalinist brutality with the effect of denigrating the consequence of each of them.

In identifying Stalin with Communism, it excuses him as the inherent evil of Communism made him helpless to do anything except serve the machine, even when that service was ruthless and deadly.  It excuses him from being a power-mad psychopath.

Characterizing Communism that way marginalized the thinking of Marx and Lenin and this is the basis for the fear and loathing for socialism on Fox News.  Communism became a totalitarian state with police death squads and spies everywhere.  The reason for flogging the point is this state is something Stalin created and was not inherent in the socialist vision of those who created the system in the first place.

For this reason I do not believe full-scale socialism has been adequately tested because it was corrupted by those with lesser ideals not long after its inception.

Socialism is implicit in government anyway and the only reason for discussion is a question of degree.  Why people get so frothy over it remains unclear as the same people get filthy rich either way.  They always do as people who are good at getting rich will find a way.  It's a skill and not everyone has it.  Not all of it is crooked either ... just most of it.

Whether the system is capitalist or socialist is irrelevant to the rich as they're exceptionally bright people and can rig any financial system while making it look like they do you a favor.  According to the textbook, there should be a more equitable distribution of resources in a socialist economy but it's never had a good enough test so who knows if the textbook lies.

The beauty part of this is I'm toast in the Revolution as both of my brothers would cap me.  They wouldn't have a choice as there is so much the premise socialism will take something away from them that they must do whatever is necessary to prevent that from happening.  Putting a bullet in me on that basis is logical but what is not logical is what got them to that point in the first place.

Clinton reveals paying forty-three million in federal taxes but that's still small change next to those who need to convince you of the destructiveness of socialism as the real 1% crowd can buy South Dakota and use it for a barbecue pit if it likes.  A vast amount of the world's wealth is held by an exceptionally small number of people, all of whom will be more than willing to spend whatever is necessary to convince you socialism is the worst thing which could possibly happen.

Welcome to Fox News.

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