Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mystery Lady - Maybe Tomorrow?

Sorry things fell apart on Monday but gaining some strength and maybe tomorrow could work??  At 10:00 a.m., there's a good chance Yevette is awake as well so that's probably the best chance of a connection.  (There must be more than one phone outlet in the house but I've never seen it)

The good news is I got the dog food ... fifty fookin' pounds of it.  The comedy part would have been watching me carry it.  The even better comedy part would have been watching me trying to get it open.

This was easily one of the worst weeks for all-out misery of anything in a long time but this is where the First Rule of Italian Driving comes to play:   what'sa behinda you ista not important.

Lots of happy creatures out there as there's Tobey the Dog and Teeth the Cat in the back.  Teeth didn't get the name for her teeth but rather for those of its owner, the Crackbore who made such a mess out of this place.  So I found the Teeth the Cat ... and I also cleaned up the unbelievable pigsty the Crackbore made and found the teeth she lost.  I turned over the teeth to a, um, responsible authority to turn over to the Crackbore.  Since the Crackbore hasn't sent so much as a brass farthing to pay for the damage she did, my guess is she will be living on liquid food ... and crack ... for quite some time.  Que sera sera.

In front there are the four Rockhouse Stalwarts plus some occasional touring performers.  If I'm not out there by seven a.m. then I will have some angry Stalwarts on my hands and they will make their displeasure known until I come out to feed them.  There are two grey and white ones which look kind of boring, an orange and white one, and another which is somewhere between black and deep red with a whole lot of other colors.  She's a pretty one.

My favorite for weird noises to bug me for food was when I would hear a loud bang from one of the food bowls ... but nothing else.  Some minutes later, it would happen again.  After some time I had to find out what combination makes this effect and I discovered it was a bluejay.  The bird would land on the rim of the bowl to eat some of the cat food.  When it lifted off to fly, that would push down that side of the bowl and the other side would come banging back down again.  Mystery solved.

Note:   I've told that one before but it was strange enough I thought it worth a rerun.

Not to worry about any tragic story for what happened.  It was just incredibly bad luck.  The window on Yevette's car broke and it cost a couple of hundred dollars to fix it.  You know how it goes in living with no buffer.  When anything goes wrong, you have to sell the Crown Jewels and the problem is neither of us have any Crown Jewels.  It would be a good plan apart from that, tho.

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