Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Difference Between Crazy and Stupid

After some time with Full Bark looney, it became clear to me that boundaries are required for soon you, Guitar Boy, will be dribbling on yourself as well.

The regulars know already that I like people ... I just don't really want to talk to them that much.  I have my work and I want to do it.  I can't muster much enthusiasm for Bruce Jenner adding or removing parts as why should I care.  In other words, I'm anti-social like a Gila Monster.

There is no sleep with looneys ... as opposed to sleeping with looneys, which means only you are a looney as well.  You saw "Fatal Attraction," yes?

So there is no sleep as everything has to happen now.  Don't you understand this is important!!!  Yes, in fact, I do understand and that's why I'm not doing anything.  That we did this same routine five minutes ago doesn't change the outcome now.

Then I realized, I have the cats for the Rockhouse Defense Force outside but there is no defense once inside ... unless ... I lock the damn doors.

So I did lock the door and can cheerfully report no-one came to tell me about rattlesnakes in the house or other bizarro gibberish between midnight and seven thirty in the morning.  Blessed silence.

On waking, I took care of my morning priorities in expelling that which no longer wished to enjoy the company of my mortal frame and returned to awaken the computer.

That's when the looney appeared.  I wasn't so much annoyed as amused ... how the hell did you get in here??

She replied that she went out the front door and came back in the back door to get around the locked entryway.  Therein, dear readers, lies the difference between crazy and stupid.

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