Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Mount Storm Park Reefer Junkie Ravens" (Poem for the Mystery Lady)

I see your situation
and you see my orange eyes.
It's boring hanging out here
and I'd just like to get high.

It's a bitch to be a raven
when I cannot roll a spliff
I get buzzed where I find it
but I just need a little sniff.

There's a Stoner from Caldonia
and he sits within my park
He blows his joints like sixty-five
and thinks it's all a lark.

But this here park is my house
and you share your reefer here.
If you act like some damn Yuppie
then it's me you'll have to fear.

Look into the eyes of raven
they stare, they hypnotize.
You pony up some reefer, boy,
or I'm launching for your eyes.

And he did.

(The story is true and it happened around 1980.  The Mystery Lady was a witness and I can cheerfully report I did keep the reefer and (cough) my eyes.  She suggested in a comment this morning the story needs a poem.  Voila!  Art (cough) is born.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks!! Thats great!! Now build a bridge -hookline, add a few chords and you've got a song!!

Unknown said...

It's the one to make me famous and it's (cough) art, damnit!

Three chords are plenty as it doesn't need a symphony, just one demonic bird!