Monday, May 18, 2015

It's Not Stubbornness with Yosemite 10.10.3

The finest practice of the art of systems programming is (cough) finding someone else to do it.  Maybe you think that's just a giggle but I was making six figures doing that and I was good at it as that's exactly how you do it.  There's a problem with it, however.

That problem comes if you can't find anyone else to delegate it.

There is no stubbornness in what I'm doing as I would chuck it over the side in a heartbeat if I found someone competent to fix it.  Instead you would hear whining about, wow, man, this will take some jingle to fix.  In a heartbeat.

Talking of chucking it over side is considering all the options.  Is the following likely:

Probably not likely although it is cool to watch.

It's not suicide to cash out and go wandering on a scooter.  Without all that kit, I can crash anywhere as there's nothing to steal.  Laptop goes under the pillow.  If that's life then it's suicide not to do it.

If I say I'm not depressed then someone will say, oh sure, you're depressed (larfs).

My thinking, I believe, is clear and I'm going extremely slowly with it.  Right now there isn't a whole lot of choice (oh so pitiful larf).

This is not a couple of grand in smoke.  Install Mavericks on it and it will run like the nightmare never happened.  Good as new, good for sale.  (It has to be sold as it would not then be able to run the only software that can read the video data without doing all of it all over again.  I keep the external disk in case magic happens but the computer goes.  Keep an eye on all options.)

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