Monday, May 18, 2015

Does Orange Juice Taste Different in Greece

Here's the theory:  there are olive trees everywhere in Greece.  If there's some land not being used for something else, it will probably have olive trees on it.

So where else will bees get their pollen but the most highly-available flowers around even though they're tiny and are only there for a short time.

Bees get their pollen from the olives and take it back the the hives where they make honey but then they go off to orange trees as they pollinate the flowers on those as well so a little of the pollen from the olive tree flowers falls off in the orange tree flower.  The olive pollen and the orange pollen mix and this changes the transcellular migration pathways within the oranges and thus gives them ...

(Ed:  this is complete bullshit isn't it?)

Yup.  I like the idea, tho.  It's probably enough that everything is better in Greece and you don't need a reason.

That doesn't answer the bigger question of whether I am a bigot for Tropicana orange juice.  It's the only one that makes me think of Greece but that feels like Starbucks thinking so I wonder.  Orange juice has to have all the pulp.  Put everything in there except the peel and, who knows, maybe you can get that in there as well.  There should be so much pulp you could dry it and make a book out of it.

I don't even faintly want to hear about Sunny Delight or other ferociously horrendous bilge water pretensions at orange juice.  I'll give it this much, tho:  they did get the color right.  It's perfect for paranoid little wankers in an antiseptic, artificial world.

It's becoming clear.  I might be an orange juice bigot.

Did you ever ride a star?  I hope so.  (I might have skipped a segue.)

Sure it's Old School but it's tight and it's got more heart than the New School will ever know ... unless they go out riding stars too.  Are you experienced?

One day be Starrider.

Live from Nashville ... how about that

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