Thursday, April 2, 2015

There's Talking About Quitting

But talking about quitting is always complete bullshit because addicts always lie.

However, running out of cigarettes three days ago carries some weight, if only a tiny fraction of the nicotine.

This was deliberate as I knew I'd screw myself to the walls in buying the disk drive but it was mandatory for the cause so ... make the move.

The thinking in my head is not to quit as cigarettes are total mindfuck.   It just goes, man, tough it out.  You can get some smokes in time.

(Ed:  three days and the nicotine is mostly out of your system already)

You think I don't know this.  Facts mean to addiction about the same as they mean to Fox News, use them for any convenience you like.

(Ed:  quitting is in the palm of your hand)

I know this too.

(Ed:  fucking do it)

It really is that simple ... and it really isn't.

There has to be strength built up between now and when the capability to buy cigarettes comes back around as that's what fights buying them.

This is not a plea for money as I am out of practically everything but I still couldn't be trusted to stay away from cigarettes if right now I had the ability to buy them.

So I got me a war goin' on.  That's ok as it does no harm and I like my wars better than anyone else's as nobody dies, they don't cost anything, and maybe something good happens.

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