Sunday, January 25, 2015

Viva Syriza - Alexis Tsipras and Greece Show You How to Do It

When both parties are comprised of corrupt and useless old fucksticks, you can go along with it as people do in America ... or ... you can throw out both of them as they have just done in Greece.  This was one leftist revolution the CIA couldn't stop and it will be fascinating to watch how it unfolds.

Tsipras has said specifically he doesn't want Greece to pull out of the EU but he does want debt relief for Greece.  So the EU can work with him or Greece defaults on the entire loan and walks.  It's an interesting situation for Angela Merkel and she's one of the few politicians for whom I have any respect so how she handles it will be novel.  It will have to be.

Keep in mind that Greece is loaded.  Natural gas and oil deposits somewhat recently discovered in the eastern Mediterranean mean big bucks for whomever starts tapping those resources.  The country is cash poor but they have tremendous resources and you can write your own conspiracy theory for how much of the campaign against Greece has been to diddle away control of those resources.

Greece is also the loveliest place I have ever lived and the people are wonderful.  I do hope Tsipras finds a way to work the deal as the people of Greece have had a rough run of it.  The government was corrupt for years.  Goldman Sachs came in to make it even worse with phony derivatives deals.  What you see today is the aftermath.  Today that aftermath turned hopeful and I wish the people of Greece the very best.

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