Saturday, January 17, 2015

General Video Plans

There's the primary shoot for "The Cat in the Space Between Things" and conceivably the laptop could serve as a camera for a third view.  This one is a Huge Deal as I want it to be as cinematic as possible.  There can be a sequence of me looking at you and you looking at me.  Cutting back and forth relatively quickly between those views could give a novel perspective ... or it could just be a trick.  This one is a big deal every kind of way.

Attaching the camera to the back of my left hand.  This could be most unusual as the camera has a wide-angle lens so you would see these huge fingers and, depending on the depth of focus, me watching the fingers wiggle from some distance above.

Attaching a laser to the camera in the same way as some gun sights work.  This could be exceptionally amusing for playing with cats.  I want more than amusing but that would still be funny to see.

Playing guitar in available light.  This will be the first test as it will best show the capability of the camera for color resolution, saturation, etc, etc.

More will come.

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