Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Erotica Psychotica" - Silas Scarborough (video)

Silas Scarborough recorded this using a Godin xtSA MIDI guitar which was connected to a Roland GR-20 guitar synthesizer which was in turn connected to a Korg TR synth.  All voicing was driven by the guitar and no effects, audio or video, were added after recording.


Anonymous said...

Good! you are playing again. And where did you have the camera?? Can you mount it on the rack and have it looking at the front of you--adjust the lasers? ML

Unknown said...

Everything adjusts, maybe even too much. I could spend the rest of my pitiful days adjusting things in here and it would always be different and I would never do anything else!

My favorite is to get the laser to cut a single flat plane as that what gives the liquid air effect because the smoke moves going through it. To my eyes, that's exceptionally beautiful to watch and I will be working toward more of that.

Unknown said...

The camera belongs to Yevette but she wasn't doing anything with it so that meant, hey, press it into service for music videos.

Now that the action cam is in the mix, many things are possible as it's so small it can be mounted on just about anything and the picture quality is surprisingly good.