Wednesday, January 7, 2015

GoPro Hero Action Camcorder

Where the low-level iON camera shoots 720p at $65 US, the lowest-level GoPro is the Hero and it shoots 1080p for $130 US.  That's twice the price but a much greater value.  I have not yet discovered the size of the sensor in the Hero relative to that of the Hero 4 (top of the line) but the latter is almost certainly bigger given a substantially greater cost for the camera.  Bigger sensor is better detail.

The iON is likely a fail is would provide adequate quality and that's ok for a fishing trip as you can always go out and catch another fish but I never do my videos more than once.  That means I would likely be quickly dissatisfied with it and I will have spent about $100 to find out if it works.  I already know it works and I need the most inexpensive way to do it.

Even though the GoPro is more expensive, it has better quality, better support through ancillary software for your computer or phone, general software support, etc.  It's bulkier but you have a camera strapped to your head, you will look like a dork regardless.

Therefore of current Impossible Wishes, of which there are many, the GoPro Hero is it.

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