Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sony HDR AS-20B - Even Better Price - and The Pitch

The price I've been showing for the Sony HDR AS-20 video camera was $168 and this was bundled with some other moderately-useful but not particularly impressive things (e.g. lens cleaner, etc).  However, the base camera goes for $128 and if you make the bundle yourself (i.e. add a head strap and a 16 GB SD card) then the result comes to $167 with nothing else to buy (well, shipping).

The above is another strike against GoPro.  If you want a lens cap for your GoPro, it's an extra-cost option.  That kind of thing is cheap and doesn't speak well of a company that does it.

There is no question to me now as I'm satisfied with the research, the reviews I've read, and the price I've found.  The part that sucks is there's no way I can afford it.

The Pitch

I'm not some suburban white guy with a forty-foot pool and a big black SUV.  Mostly I'm pink, I play a guitar, and I'm broke.  I take no benefits from the state.  I never have and I won't do it now.  I don't want to get into the politics of that as it's more than just a political statement and writing it out would make a book I don't want to write and you won't want to read.

However, hundreds of people read this every day, ever to the amazement of the one who writes it, and it would only take a couple of bucks per head to pull down this camera kit.  It looks like I will come up short by about $100-$125.  If one person can cover that then obviously that's very cool but it also works if multiple people pony up $5.

Payday is Wednesday and I know without thinking how it will go.  There's a wee bit of Christmas money remaining that may last until payday and my immediate thought will be 'screw buying food.  You need this camera.'  Anyone who knows Frasers knows this process is unstoppable except by a woman.  However, there's no-one else here except Tobey the Dog and he doesn't care.

(Ed:  would you listen to Cat if she said no?)

If she were here then yes, I would.  Wrecking myself for food is one thing but not if it affects her too. Since that would not happen, I would listen to her but it may not change my mind.  She's the one I want to see this world more than anyone, in part because she doesn't believe in it ... at least not this way.  To her taste, music must be pure and unencumbered by flashbang, tricks, or Gene Simmons spitting blood from his mouth.  However, I don't view what I do as a trick and I definitely don't spit blood so I mean to show her what I see and hopefully this tells best the story of why I do it.

If you can help then it would be most appreciated and I promise spectacular results.  I haven't even the faintest doubt of blowaway video.  This isn't just showing you virtuality but taking you into it with me and I'm just dyin' to do it.

I know for sure I will find Cat in The Space Between Things as I will green screen her in Second Life and I'll put her into the video from that.  She will be dancing there ... count on it.

(Ed:  the game is virtual virtuality?)

Right again, guv.  Remarkable perspicacity, dear fellow.

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