Thursday, January 8, 2015

"The Cat in the Space Between Things"

The motivation is hugely increased to do it and there needs to be a third part.  The object isn't to make it 'more magnum' rather to segue from from phrase to the other.  Rather than being only segue it should have enough interest to hang with it for a while which then flows to the Space Between Things.

(Ed:  is there going to be as much blather about this as "The Silas TechnoHypnoGroove Christmas Song?")

Good chance there will.

I blather, you know.  Blather comes to me and I have to blather it.  I guess you could say I'm a blathery kind of guy.  (Read like John Candy)

There's a difference of opinion over Facebook as I consider the risk of thought contamination to be too great to entertain contact.  You've heard the pitch that yeah but there are good people on there ... but ... there are some really fucking bad ones too.  Yet to decide the best move.

There isn't any important move other than getting the third phrase of the song together.  Plus getting chow for the dog.  Art versus dog food.  How should I decide.

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