Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Donate Button in the Sidebar

Maybe a hundred DVDs exist and some go back to the show in Cincinnati.  The DVDs are out-of-print as, in most cases, the master files no longer exist because there hasn't been enough disk space to store all that material.

I am not on disability as Social Security required I sign away any right to disability or they wouldn't give me my retirement.  I am not taking any government benefits and I will not as that would compromise my right to speak freely and I will not sell that.  The retirement from Social Security is $10,344 a year.  Maybe you can survive on that but you would be the first.

My own feeling about the music is that it was a total waste of my life because, as we've seen from the blog, the only thing that elicits any response is political crap, much of which has been similar to Mariah Carey's reaction to seeing kids starving in Africa:  "When I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean, I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

There's one unfortunate drawback to the quote from Mariah Carey:  she never said it but has been slandered with it relentlessly.  Unlike Fox News, we do check the facts here.  (Snopes)

(Ed:  why write political crap when you know people get pissed off from it?)

Because otherwise they would ignore it and what I say is true.

So, a bit of support for the music would go a long way right about now and in multiple dimensions, for that matter.

Life is just about as miserable as it is possible to get but it could be more miserable if I started playin' blues as I fookin' hate playin' blues.  I was feeling like I was getting waterboarded by the Mississippi anyway but then that tooth broke and the only thought after that is Oh Fuck This.  It'll take an oral surgeon to get the damn thing out and that will cost hundreds.  Yevette said she would try to pay for it but I wouldn't allow it.  She's an exceptionally big-hearted woman and she gives everything right now to take care of someone special.  On top of that she should have to take care of me.  My deepest thanks but no.  All I'm doing is taking care of a dog and, yes, Tobey the Dog is doing just fine.

All it would take is ten or twenty people, in effect, buying a DVD and things can get moving a little bit.  In part I need the money and in part I'm losing my religion as without music there is just vacuum.  If you can help it would be most appreciated.

1 comment:

UH UH said...

Keep rocking. UH UH